Admittedly, at first glance the idea of a planetary air conditioning system sounds absurd and crazy. Our approach however is as simple as it is new:
If warm air is trapped near the ground by increasing greenhouse gases and can no longer rise and cool on its own, thus warming the Earth more and more, then let's just help the warm air to rise enough to cool down. With the idea of a planetary air conditioning system in general and the development of warm air extraction systems in particular, a completely new approach to solving the problem might be the game changer: For the first time, the most urgent problem of mankind - global warming - is directly addressed or even maybe solved. All previous concepts so far focus on getting a grip on our climate catastrophe indirectly, by reducing greenhouse gases. For this to succeed however in time, a change in the behaviour of billions of people would and will be necessary, among other things.
I have intensively thought about our idea and possible solutions for a long time. Eventually, I have come to the conclusion that our approach is currently probably the only solution that offers a real chance of getting global warming under control, at least to some extent and within the near future. So far, every tall building in the world has one or several elevators – so why should it be a problem to additionally install a warm air extraction system besides/in or even on top of every tall building in the future, if this can stop the climate disaster?